My Fellowship Buffing Meta (Critique Requested)

Unofficial support for the creating and editing of metas.
Posts: 128

My Fellowship Buffing Meta (Critique Requested)

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I finally finished getting my fellowship buff spells and was able to tie up some loose ends on this meta. It's specific to my setup so I doubt anyone could use it without heavy modifying, but maybe some ideas could be gleaned from it. In any event I'd love to get some feedback on it, how you would do things differently, etc.
Setup: I have 5 mages and 4 archers, archers are item only. So at the top of the meta I have the 5 mages forcebuff, then cast fellowship spells, followed by singular buffs on the archers. The archers are on a delay to make sure they get creature buffed, then they cast their own weapon buffs. Big thanks to Tacit & Snail in vichat last night that helped with my Asheron's Lesser Benediction problem.
Opps, almost forgot a question I have. During debug I was trying to filter out everyone's casting chat so I could just see what spells each individual was casting and couldn't get the "You cast" pattern into chat window 4. I have it as the pattern, and 5 under "windows", I have change to as "any", action as "0", and pattern color as "any". Any thoughts?
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Further note: I labeled it as Chaos_BuddySystem because I'm using ChaosControl and wanted to keep file names next to each other. Hopefully it's not a trademarked name :)

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