BETA: Exploration Marker Meta (94/100)

Have a meta to release to the public? Looking to download a meta? This is the place for you!
invisible fire
Posts: 50

BETA: Exploration Marker Meta (94/100)

Post #1 »

Hey guys...

Its finally here! An exploration marker meta!
Based on this list: ... Efficiency

Skipped several (29, 40, 58, 61, 76, 97) due to quest flagging or just too dangerous. Feel free to add them.

Requirements to use this meta:
Able to traverse all the locations in that link above. Sorry if you die.
Bobo Recall
Olthoi Recall
Aerlinthe Recall
Caul Recall
Mt Lethe Recall
Sanctuary Recall
/LS @ Dark Isle
Society Member with at least Lord Status
Dangerous Portal Device at mansion and easily accessible from drop of /hom

Required Items:
3-4 Sake
1-2 Mug of Winter Lager

This is an EXTREMELY rough Beta! I'm posting this so people can test it / use it / update it as they wish. There are some tricky jumps at some places. Watch for #28 specifically. I also didn't use the 'best route' for each one. I decided for simplicity of the meta to use what was best to meta'tize! Some locations may need combat enabled. I did not turn this one. Feel free to do so. The ones that may need combat enabled, EO, and Cystaline Dungeon.

NOTE: If this meta breaks at some point, it will not skip a marker. This will allow you to take control and complete the marker.

How to use:
If you wish to run ALL of them,
/w [your name], !all <== This flags to run all of them.
/w [your name], !start <== This begins the meta.

If you wish to run ALL of them from a given point..
/w [your name], !all <== This flags to run all of them.
/w [your name], ![number] <== this will run from number
/w [your name], !start <== This begins the meta from the number specified and will run to the end.

if you just wish to run any one individually
/w [your name], ![number] <== this will run that number
/w [your name], !start <== this will start the meta and stop after completing.

There is an attached CH file. Feel free to use it if you wish.
explorationmarker_ch.png (112.87 KiB) Viewed 9269 times
(1.2 KiB) Downloaded 407 times
Exploration Markers.met
(295.92 KiB) Downloaded 455 times

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Post #2 »

Immortalbob of MT

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Post #3 »

Testing will be needed to ensure we don't have problems like we did with the last exploration marker meta that never made it to release.

If too many groups are running the landblocks at once, and also using the markers, it can bug the markers and landblocks.

Be wary, and if you run in to strange problems please report them. Some sort of metered timers for the routes may need to be implemented if it becomes an issue.

Posts: 38

Post #4 »

I have used this for 3 toons and t has worked decently. Yes it breaks a few times but when it does I just relogged or rebooted and it started back up. But kudos to you for making it.

Posts: 69

Post #5 »

Thanks for making this! I notice that it doesn't seem to skip the quest-flag-restricted markers that you said it omits. It seems to enter that number and then get stuck. Every time I got to one of those, I had to manually send it to the next state.

Aside from a bit of pathing difficulty with the narrower, more finicky paths, and that it doesn't seem to be able to figure out how to jump properly (it never jumps forward, only straight up), it works fantastically well.

invisible fire
Posts: 50

Post #6 »

the jumping up thing has to do with the fact you changed your binding keys wasd for movement. I think...

Posts: 69

Post #7 »

I haven't changed the WASD keys for movement. W is forward for me, yet somehow the meta just jumps straight up. It's not a deal breaker, though, since I'm usually watching the toon with part of my attention while doing something else.

invisible fire
Posts: 50

Post #8 »

Joeblow8579 wrote:I haven't changed the WASD keys for movement. W is forward for me, yet somehow the meta just jumps straight up. It's not a deal breaker, though, since I'm usually watching the toon with part of my attention while doing something else.
hmm, my vassal had a similar problem. Its either mag-tools not installed or wrong bindings. (in reference to the jumping up thing).

Glad its working well enough for you.